Thursday, August 6, 2009

ISR Swimming

On Monday we started ISR Swimming. It is a little late in the year to start swim lessons, but this is when it worked for us. Zackary had NO FEAR last year and this year he wasn't quite sure of the water, even with Aaron and I. So we decided to start them and get him more comfortable in the water. ISR focuses on survival not actually swimming. By the end of the lessons Zackary should be able to do swim float sequence to get to the edge if he were to ever fall into a pool. He is doing so well, the first couple of days he wasn't sure if it but today he really began to be comfortable. Just 4-5 more weeks to go.
Lane is not liking it as much as Zackary. He is learning to float and not too happy with it. Today, like his brother was doing much better and actually floating on his own. It is pretty amazing to see what they can learn in such a short period of time. The lessons are 10 minutes a day for 4-6 weeks, not the easiest schedule for 2 little ones in the middle of the day, but it is worth it. The peace in knowing that if anything ever happened, they will know how to keep themselves safe.
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1 comment:

Jenna said...

I put my boys in these swim lessons this year, mostly for my peace of mind and also so they wouldn't be so afraid of the water. They cried the entire first two weeks, but the last week they LOVED it. They still talk about "swimming with Pam" (their instructor), and I have noticed such a difference in their comfort level in the water. It was worth every penny and I will surely be doing it again next year!

Your boys are so cute. I still can't get over the face that you and Aaron are married! I love it, you guys are great. Love the blog!

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