Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ruffles and Rolling

So my new favorite thing besides bows is ruffles.  I love them!  This dress might be the cutest little thing and her little ruffle butt she is wearing under it was so dang cute (please excuse the bad pics again, it's too hot to take pictures outside and my house lighting is no good).

So my little lady decided she was going to roll over all the sudden.  She only practiced for a day.  Now she can't get enough of rolling to her belly.  She hasn't figured out how to get back yet, luckily she in content on her belly watching those big brothers of hers.

Here is the full cute right...Thanks Christina.

2 peas in a pod.  These 2 can't get enough of each other.

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Sunday, August 14, 2011

3 Munches

My 3 little rascals...These are just some funny little shots of them.  Please excuse the horrible photos but they captured the morning.  Chloe was having a nice little swing ride and the boys decided she needed a few all of her toys.  She really doesn't care about toys yet, but they think she really likes them.  Obviously she didn't mind them because she ended up falling asleep and taking a nice little nap. 

And here is my little muscle man...really what 4 year old is ripped like this?  Remember here and here when I was writing about his huge muscles at age 1 and 2?  Well they are just getting bigger and bigger.  I think a lot of it is related to horse man (more on that later).  I really am in awe of those little muscles.

And my little Laner... all sass right now but so dang cute.  

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