Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Zoo Fun

Red Light Green Light the entire time. Zackary and his friends Ryan and Henry spent a good part of the zoo trip running and playing red light green light. Zackary would yell out Green Light and they would all take off. Then Red Light and they would of course all stop. If we could have only some how had control of what Zackary chose to say, because sometimes they got just a bit too far for our comfort. Funny it goes.
Zackary and Henry took off, running, around the corner over the bridge and into the Wallaby exhibit. Here comes Andi and I running, pushing massive strollers after them yelling, making guesses of who's kid is going into the lake first. I'm sure it will be mine someday. Needless to say they got in some trouble for running away and not listening.
Here is the conversation Zackary and I had.
Me: Zackary you can't run away from mommy
Z: Why?
Me: You could get lost or hurt, mommy was worried and couldn't see you,
Z: Why?
Me: Do you know what could happen to you?
Z: Yes the Kangawoos (this is how he pronounced it) will eat me
Me: Yes they could (going for the scare tactic) so don't run away from mommy and be a good listener
I couldn't help but to laugh because the way he said it was so serious and cute, we will see how the next trip goes.
Zackary was being a great big brother looking out for Lane and holding on tight to him so he wouldn't fall in the lake.
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