Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Trampoline Camping

Aaron decided to mention sleeping outside in front of Zackary last night. Look what ended up happening. Zackary couldn't get it out of his head, so they got their gear and headed out. They were going to set up the tent but I wasn't sure how long Zackary would last so I suggested sleeping on the trampoline (I figured it was easier than finding the tent and assembling it on a Monday night). They actually lasted until I decided to take pictures of them at about 11pm. They were both slipping into the center, Aaron was worried about squishing Zackary. I moved Zackary inside and he never knew it. I'm sure they will be trying it soon again before it gets to hot, but in the tent next time. I have a feeling sleeping outside will be happening a lot with boys.
That just means I get a quiet night inside.
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1 comment:

Sarah Robbins said...

Ahh, I remember trampoline campouts. I'm not sure I remember making it through the night, either, though. Enjoy your quiet nights!

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