Monday, November 15, 2010

Pregnancy Week 17

Well I got a little behind posting weekly pregnancy updates, oops.  Time sure gets away from me these days.  And I'm sure it is just going to get worse.  I try my best to keep up with everything and everyone, but sometimes...I can't explain what happens.
Week 17:  Wow week 17!
I will just give a general update.  Yes, I have quite the bump.  It's here!  There is no question about that.  I can feel the baby move, I have actually been able the feel movements for a couple of weeks now, but not the good strong reassuring kicks.  It is different than the boys.  They were kickers and jabbers.  This one feels more like flips and rolls.  Maybe that means something!
I'm not really craving anything special, probably good for the weight gain.  I love going to my appointments and using a friends' doppler to hear the sweet sound of the heartbeat.  I can't get enough of hearing that.  I have another ultrasound scheduled right before Thanksgiving...hopefully some more news to share after that!
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Hakes House said...

I love reading your blog. Even though you're only across the street, we don't always get to see much of each other. Right now, I'm in shock at your belly growth in since Halloween. You look beautiful

Sarah Robbins said...

You look great! I can't wait to hear how your appointment goes and if they can tell what you are having. Crossing my fingers for a girl. :)

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