Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday

Easter this year was a big day for our family. We got to go home from the hospital with our newest addition. The doctors let us go home a little early to spend the day with our family. The OB unit at the hospital hosted a great Easter event for the patients, thier family, and the nurses and doctors. It was such a great event for those of us that had to spend the holiday in the hospital. My folks brought the boys to meet us, they got to participate in all the festivites and they sure had a blast. There was an Easter egg hunt, cookie decorating, coloring, bunny ear making, and of course a playground. It was a great way to spend the morning with our new family. We all headed home as a family (in our minivan with 3 carseats).  I never want to forget the feeling of driving our entire family home together, looking back and seeing all the cute faces sitting in their giant car seats.  I love my little people so much.
 I'm a little mad I didn't get a picture of the event.

Aaron's newest love.

We spent the afternoon at Aaron's parents house with the family. Here is our first picture with the 5 of us.

The whole family. This picture cracks me up. We were trying so hard to get a family picture, everyone looking at the same camera, all the kids in place, and all the adults happy with the picture. Here is the final...look at the kids, they were in their places but look at the faces. How do little kids know to be silly in pictures. They look hilarious!
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