Friday, November 11, 2011

NO Day 2

The next day we headed out for some fresh air to find some gators.  It was a success, we saw several.  The air boat did a good job of waking everyone up and getting us ready for another long night...

We celebrated again with the wedding party at the rehearsal dinner.  What and amazing dinner.  I must say the food in New Orleans is pretty amazing.  Good, hearty, fattening, and delish.  Maybe we just aren't used to food like that because we really don't head out to dinner much any more or maybe the food in AZ just isn't that southern style delishishness (is that a word?).  We had amazing wine with a 5 course dinner, all while being super dressed up in suits, dresses and heels.  As you can see from the smile on my face we were having a great time.  I also was trying my best to not have my droopy left eye in the picture (perhaps I overcompensated in this one).

Here is a beautiful picture of my amazing parents.  They hosted this wonderful night.

Here's my family.  I am so thankful of such wonderful people in my life.
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1 comment:

CandiLand said...

You are right.... your folks are amazing!!! Love your photos.

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