Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Color Splash

 Here I go again.  Changing things up.  I just finally decided I'm fet up with a brown house.  I feel like everything is some shade of tan and while I would love to repaint,  Aaron is just not on board right now.  So I'm going to have to make do with a few new accessories and splashes of color until we are ready to paint. 
I picked up some new pictures at Kirkland that are yellow, teal, cream, and of course brown but they add color and bring in some new colors while still coordinating with the curtains and paint.  And the table was one we have had for about 8 years, and was trashed, so I decided it can't get any worse so painting teal wasn't a scary option.  It turned out pretty cute.  I could definitely put a coat of darker glaze or stain the sanded areas darker.  But with limited time, a baby sleeping, and no stain on hand, staining it with tea and a 3 year old helping (yes you read it right) will have to do for now.  I must say that it sure would look better against a lighter wall, a greige color but it will have to pacify my for a while.  I moved some pillows from other rooms to add color and picked up some cute accessories at HobLob. 
And this little beauty came from World Market.  And even better, she is comfy to sit in. 

I'm not sure about the rug but it is better than the brown, blue, and yellow one there before. 

I still have a few more things to do and another table to paint but it is getting better. 
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