Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Extra Fish

Here is the story of the fish tank.
Aaron and Zackary had some 'Daddy Son' time one day and ended up at the pet store to buy dog food...then it turned into an excursion to buy a fish tank for themselves. They bought some fish and some plants and we hunted some rocks from our yard to make a cave. This is their 'thing' they love it. Every night before bed they feed the fish and watch them for a while. We have of course been back to the pet store a few times to get new fish. Zackary holds them the whole way home saying "these are my new fishies." All the fish have names also and he knows every one of them.
So here is more to the fish tank story. It has been a bit of a battle to keep the top closed and fingers out of it. We frequently hear it open and close several times a day. How tempting right? Fish and water and a lid that is supposed to be OFF LIMITS. So we have found a few additions to the fish tank. He is putting fish in it, the only problem... they are plastic toys. Then we find more...a pretty big shark floating on the top.
Then we find more...half of the tank was full of different animals. Notice the dinosaur looking to be fed. This was all with the help of a friend he had over. They thought it was hilarious, in fact it really was! They were playing quietly, to quietly, for two 2 year olds. They were up to mischief!
I will inform you that no casualties occurred in this experiment!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

that is awesome!! I smiled at the shark but laughed hard at the all the animals. and the dino..that is great!

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