Sunday, May 30, 2010


I know this isn't the most exciting thing to read about but we are very proud of ourselves (Zackary and I) for growing a giant sunflower from only a tiny little seed.  Oma gave us a package of seeds to plant somewhere, I came across them and decided it would be a fun activity for the boys and I to do.  We found the little shovels and started digging.  They didn't have much of an attention span for digging through rocks so we just started shoving them in the ground.

All of the sudden we noticed some little sprouts and began to try to remember to water them.  I read on the package they needed a lot of water, but didn't plant them where there was much, thinking aah, they probably won't grow anyways.
I tell you everyday we go outside they are even bigger.  Out of the whole package we planted only about 5 really thrived.
Now we have a huge sunflower that is beautiful.  The only problem faces north, high above our fence so we really don't get to enjoy the beauty.  We can't figure out why it doesn't face the 'sun'?  We have another that should be blooming soon, hopefully facing the 'right' way.
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1 comment:

Sarah Robbins said...

That is so cool! I am always amazed by nature and how creations thrive.

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