Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sign Project

So here was my dilemma...for some reason whenever someone came by the house, whether it was to drop off something, visit, or even the UPS guy, it always seemed to be during nap time.  You understand if you have children that still nap.  The doorbell rings or there is a knock, the dog barks, and it is all over.  Everyone is awake, sometimes upset, and the hour of free time you might have had, over.  For the past couple of years I have strategically taped a scrap piece of paper over the door bell, hoping the person would quietly leave the package or perhaps call if the visit was unexpected.  For some reason this didn't always work for me.  After this long, I decided to finally make something that will hopefully last outside and keep the noise level under control.  So here is what I did. 
I gathered up some supplies and began to create my shh... nap time sign.  I had the paper all printed and was painting the board.  As I was getting ready to apply the paper, I realized something.  Why is my house so quiet?  Zackary was asleep, Aaron was on the computer, but the baby (my 18 month old that I still feel I need to call my baby) was extremely quiet, where could he be?

Oh... there he is happily marking up the wall and door with the markers he had just found is the craft tote I left out.  Little did I know that there was about 20 markers that needed to be tested.  This was just a slight setback I had while trying to complete my project I was determined to get done.
Here are the final nap time signs.  I made a couple of extra for friends that have the same issue I have been experiencing.  And really, the scrap paper taped to our door bell is pretty lame.

Here is before, wow that was really bad!
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And After!


{little birdie boutique} said...

What a great idea! I think I may copy it! :)

Unknown said...

Seriously, you're too crafty. you are making mothers like me look bad! Do NOT ever do this again!

Sarah Robbins said...

That is a great idea! I will have to make one before the baby comes!

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