Friday, October 22, 2010

Fun with Papa

Papa and Zackary have an amazing relationship. They have so much fun together even if it is just running errands. I love that my father is so involved in my children's lives. Tuesday is 'their' day. My dad usually picks him up around lunch time and takes him somewhere they they both love somewhere that has hamburgers or hot dogs. As Zackary calls it, "the hamburger store." Then they head out to do something fun, however sometimes it is just running errands, usually for the hardware store so Zackary gets to see fun hardware goods. Since Zackary started preschool my dad drops him off for us (such a big help for me) however, I've been told that it is cutting into their 'time' together. On Tuesday my dad made reservations for them to tour a hanger and an airplane at Gateway Airport.

Zackary's grin says it all! It warms my heart to see them so happy together.
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1 comment:

Sarah Robbins said...

That looks like so much fun! You should call my little sister- she has her private pilot's license. She could take Zackary for personal plane ride for his birthday or something! Let me know if you want her info; I am sure she would be happy to do it when she is in town. She loves nay excuse to go up!

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