Monday, February 7, 2011


Today we spent the day at Desert Botanical Garden. I purchased a membership on a Groupon quite a while ago and finally activated it today, just before it expired. Now we have a full year to reap the benefits. I'm aware that it isn't the most kid friendly place and there were several times I felt my kids were disturbing the peace of the gardens, but they were just being kids. One time in particular...there was a dance floor (I assume for Jazz in the Garden) right in the middle of the eating area where several 'older' people were enjoying the peace and quiet, the birds happily chirping, and a beautiful sunny day...with 4 really cute little kids putting on quite the Rockstar show. No joke, singing loudly about how they are rockstars and dancing. Zackary went on to sing a few songs from our music class we are taking including Pop Goes the Weasel and Vroom Vroom Driving in the Car. He was singing and dancing like nobody was watching until I clapped for him and he proceeded to take a bow and say "thank you very much."  I really am not sure where everything came from but it was hilarious and several others joined in for laughing and clapping. I'm sure there was a few that had a little disrespect for me as a mom because I was letting my kids sing and dance in such a peaceful area but they were being kids and having fun so I just had to soak up the moment and enjoy it. Hey at least they weren't screaming and crying right? We had a great day out with great friends.
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