Thursday, September 22, 2011

5 Months

What 5 months?  This is going so fast.  It really makes me sad, yet I love how everyday she is doing something new and I love how every stage just gets better.  I can't even explain how wonderful this little lady is.  She really is an angel baby.  She just goes with the flow, and I tell you what, she gets carted around all day, woken up from naps, fed in longer intervals than she probably needs, and she is still this happy.  I really count my blessings for such wonderful little babies.  I am so lucky!

Weight: not sure but she is heavy and wearing 9 month clothes already.  Time to go buy lots of new clothes upgrade the super cute wardrobe.  She is rolling both ways, however she is sneaky and only will roll over from front to back in her crib.  I have not actually witnessed it but I see her change positions multiple times during a nap (more on that later).  She loves skydiving, this is her favorite position while watching the boys play.  When she gets tired she starts sucking her lower lip and her eyes get red (we call this tired eyes, Zackary gets the same look).  She usually goes to bed between 6 and 7, but there have been several nights that I try to keep her awake past 5:30.  She wakes up anywhere between 7 and 8.  Yes, she sleeps 12-14 hours a night with out a feeding.  We started feeding her solids, which she loves and is a champ at.  She has had rice cereal, bananas, and pears, and loves it all.  It hasn't been long but already she eats so different than the boys, she is pretty dang clean about it.  She has the best little giggle and is compeletly in love with her daddy and brothers.  She gives Aaron a huge smile every time she sees him.

We love her so much and feel so blessed to have such a wonderful precious little baby girl in our family.

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