Friday, October 7, 2011

Crayon Melt

So I'm totally into this Pinterest thing.  Really I'm obsessed and can't get enough.  There are so many cute and fun ideas to do with the boys (and for our house etc.).  So here is one of our first projects together.
I picked up a huge box of crayons and dug this fabric covered canvas out from under our stairs.  It was the perfect size for where I wanted to hang this master piece.  I cut part of the fabric off so when we were sorting the crayons and gluing them on, the canvas didn't accidentally get tagged by a 2 year old. 

We sorted all the different colors and decided what order to put them in.

I hot glued the crayons on then pulled off the rest of the fabric and headed outside to heat it up.  It was really hot outside I probably could have just let it sit for the day.  But we busted out the blow dryer and whipped this baby out in no time.

How awesome did this turn out?  I love it!  We hung it in the play room and it fits perfect in the octagon shaped room above Big Mouth Billy Bass.

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1 comment:

Sarah Robbins said...

That turned out great! If we ever have a playroom, I want to make one like that.

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