Saturday, September 10, 2011

Real LIfe

I'm going to add this entry that I never posted to my "letting go" series.  This was something that was going on back in July, we have figured out most of these little issues already.  I have heard this phrase so many times recently "this too shall pass"  and by golly it has and so quickly.  So here it goes...

So Aaron and I were out to dinner with some great friends of ours and of course children came up in several conversations.  All the funny things they do and all the naughty things.  How parenting is so hard and how they continually keep you on your toes.  How you just have one of them figured out or figure out their "currency" then they completely throw you for a loop.  I was told I always blog about roses, candy, and cupcakes.  Well to be honest I do this because the blog is meant to be for our family and all the great times we have.  I use a program to put the blog into books to create 'our family scrapbook'.  This is were I post super cute pictures of my children and all the fun things we do.  This is why there really isn't anything 'negative'.  There are hard times and some of them make for great conversation or great funny stories to share with friends, family, and coworkers.  I really should post about them more often.   So here are a few of our "stories" or hard times right now.


He is Lanes nemesis right now.  He recently figured out that he resides in our small garage and he truly is afraid of him.  He has lived in our garage since Aaron and I moved in together.  And to be honest, he has frightened me many times.  Actually, in our old house where he lived in the garage where we parked our cars, every time I opened the garage I was a little scared, thinking some random man was standing there waiting for me.  Not good right?  So once we figured this out we had a little fun with it.  Well, here you have a little low parenting.  Spiderman has become a threat for not cleaning or staying in bed.  I know, this is horrible but in desperation it WORKS.  We have discussed this parenting with each other and decided it is not good, but sometimes in desperation the words Spiderman come out.

The Lion

This dang lion towel causes a meltdown every single time he decides to come out.  Seriously, I don't know what it is about the lion towel but the boys fight over it every time.  We try to take turns or use him as a lour to get out of the bathtub.  But it back fires every time.  The last time he came out he got thrown up into the top of the closet where no one could reach him.  They didn't believe me that the lion didn't like them fighting over him so he went into hiding.  Next time I make it to Kohl's I will get another lion.  But until then, he is in hibernation.  Oh and I won't ever buy them different things, everything will be the same.

Bedtime around here lately is crazy and frustrating.  I seem to be trying to push through the day with out naps just to make bedtime go a little smoother and earlier.  If my boys nap they think they need to say awake until 10pm.  And really a 2 and 4 year old don't need to be awake that late and we need some down time together.  With cleaning up, baths, teeth brushing, hair combing, getting jammies on, reading books, and laying with them in bed it seems to be a 2 hour process. This seems to get drug out with horse man, wrestling, fighting, wining, and avoiding getting ready for bed.  Which I think is a bit ridiculous.  This is where I seem to loose my cool.

I don't know why I fuss over things sometimes.  Like a messy playroom, or unorganized toy bins, getting them to bed, or taking naps.  Why are some of those moments so frustrating?  Because after about 10 minutes I feel bad about being frustrated or getting mad.  It really doesn't matter.  They don't care, why should I?  I do love and cherish every moment, even the hard times.  And sometimes they make for really good conversation and stories.  Looking back already, in the 4 quick years I have been a mom, those little frustrating moments make for lots of great memories.  So really I'm ending with roses, candy, and cupcakes.  But here at the Allan house we do have low parenting moments, frustrating times, chaotic bedtimes, crazy days, but I wouldn't change it for the world.  Because really what else would Aaron and I be doing?

  • Lane and Spiderman are on speaking terms now.  He still tells me every time he sees Spiderman in the garage that he doesn't like him.  Lane- Me don't like Spiderman.  
  • Zackary usually is the great big brother and gives up the lion towel for his little brother.
  • We started preschool for both boys MWF afternoons so naptime is no longer a daily battle and bedtime is easy because they are usually so tired.  And on days they don't go to school we are out doing things or we stay at home because they are in need of a nap.  It is amazing to not fight that battle daily.  We also stopped laying with Lane at night until he falls asleep.  We read a couple of books, sing a couple songs, and say a prayer.  For the  most part he is staying in his bed.  I am so proud of him.
  • Letting go: I am learning how to let go of the little things that I can't fight and that don't really matter.  I can't believe how many comments I have gotten about letting go and showing pictures of my chaotic house.  It feels good to let go!  

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Where's the disclaimer on this one?! Haha, I'm just kidding; you guys are great role models. Can't wait until you can give us some more direct advice!

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