Thursday, January 14, 2010

Memories of a dream

Memories, that is all I will have. Today it's officially over, done, gone. Our business that we had such great dreams of. Sleepless nights, money, worries, fun, the American Dream, pride...I'm not sure how I really feel, there are so many emotions running through my head. What we created, thousands of hours, thousands of dollars, thousands of ideas...its all over. Why I'm saying this tonight is because we spent several hours moving our last few things out of the office. We no longer have access, we finally found someone to lease the space. I guess it still didn't feel 100% real because we still had an office with some of the equipment. The first picture is the start, the dream, the energy to make it work.

We expanded, it was great, we were doing it. Still not making much, but enough to move forward. We had the most wonderful, loyal clients. We became friends with them, we enjoyed every part of it. Even the late nights. We had employees and renters. What happened? What changed? I'm still not sure. I do know that we gave it our all. We put everything into it that we had and that we knew. I can say that in the last 5 years I have become a new person. The learning experience was amazing. Something that I would never trade and would never have learned anywhere else. I became insanely close to the most wonderful woman. Mary. We have shared so many ups and downs and our families have become one. I would never want to take on this venture with anyone else. This has changed me as a person and opened my eyes to so many different things. It has helped my learn what really matters, what to worry about and what not to. I have so much respect for business owners, no one knows what really goes into owning a small business except for those who have tried. This brings tears to my eyes, tears of joy and tears of sadness. No more sleepless nights worrying about what the next promotion might be, what will work, what is our competition doing, but then again there won't be any proud moments of having a successful event, a great sales day, the... WOW you did this! I guess life throws you curves and someday I will know the real reason why everything happened the way it did.

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The Pike Family said...

awww! u made me tear up:( The one thing no one can take away is the fact that you TRULY did give it your all! Im going to go ahead and blame it on this DREADFUL economy i know i know im tired of hearing that excuse too but dang it is SOO the truth! You better hold your head up soldier your awesome and so was your business! Atleast your super talented and can double as a Fabulous nurse!!! Love ya girl!

Unknown said...

One door closes and another one opens! I feel like I"m so behind on our lives. I feel like I haven't even read your blog forever. The boys are getting so big. You look so happy and I want to wish you a happy new year! Need to get together soon. Call me and lets plan something!

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