Sunday, May 2, 2010

Amazing Airplanes

I have been trying very hard to spend time "doing things" with my boys with out getting distracted and cleaning or checking emails.  Somewhat being unplugged.  I feel like it is so easy to get caught up in everyday life, like trying to keep the kitchen clean during the day, or clearing off the dining room table, or getting the sticky off the floor, answering the phone, and sometimes getting sucked into the computer while they play together.  So I told Zackary we would do anything he wanted after preschool on Thursday and of course he chose to go watch the airplanes take off and land.
After I picked him up we headed to get some lunch, stopped and visited Aaron at work, then off to the airport.  There is this little area right next to the river that is just across from the runways.  There is a great view of planes taking off and landing.  We sat in the back of the sweet ride, ate lunch, and enjoyed some relaxing family time. 

My goal is to do something special each week with just my boys, no distractions.
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1 comment:

brooksybabe said...

you are such a fun mommy!!

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