Saturday, November 3, 2012

Dust Devil Park

Well, he did it again.  My main squeeze created another amazing park for everyone  people on the Westside to enjoy.  We, however, got to enjoy the opening morning at the park with the kids.  I love taking tours of his creations.  He amazes me every time.  They always get better too.  Here are some pictures I took with my trusty iPhone. 

Little do most people know that there is a meaning behind everything he designs.  I love to hear about all the features that most people don't get the explanation about.  I guess I'm just the lucky one. 

As you can see there was a pretty amazing turn out for the grand opening. 
There is even a skate park 
Oh, and my cute little muffin having a blast on the swing. 
Congrats Aaron on another beautiful park!

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